Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Chocolate Improve Brain Function Power

Cacao, Chocolate, Cocoa

Theobroma cacao

Cacao tree (Theobroma cacao), is a plant with a height of trees (4-8 m) of the family Sterculiaceae (alternatively Malvaceae), native to tropical regions of the U.S. deep. The seeds used to make chocolate and cocoa powder. Chocolate comes from xocoatl (Aztec), which means a bitter drink. In the development of chocolate is not only a beverage but also become the preferred snack of children, adolescents, and adults. Chocolate products are very diverse.

Nutritional substances of Chocolate
Energy         504 (Cal)
Protein         5.5 (g)
Fat             52.9 (g)
Calcium          98 (mg)
Phosphorus    446 (mg)
Vit A              60 (SI)

Antioxidants in Chocolate
Processing of cocoa beans produce cocoa liquor (cocoa mass), cocoa butter and cocoa powder. Cocoa beans and derivatives is a source of polyphenol antioxidants: compounds that can reduce the risk of heart disease by preventing oxidation of low density lipoproteins (LDL) or often called bad fats, so as to prevent blockage of the blood vessel walls of arteries. Antioxidant content of chocolate varies in each, depending on various factors including cocoa content and manufacturing processes. In general, cocoa powder and dark chocolate contains antioxidants in higher quantities than milk chocolate. Here's the content of polyphenolic antioxidants in several products:

* Milk chocolate (50g) - 100 mg of polyphenols
* Dark chocolate (50g) - 300 mg of polyphenols
* Red wine (140mL) - 170 mg of polyphenols
* Tea (240mL) - 400 mg of polyphenols
* Cocoa powder (16g) - 200 mg of polyphenols

Cocoa Seed
 Benefits of Cocoa

Cocoa to handle high cholesterol
The content of the chemicals found in cocoa beans or cocoa can improve the performance of blood vessels in people with diabetes and hypertension. Also affect the level of cholesterol in the blood.
A new study from Spain also helped to prove, chocolate can be a natural remedy to reduce the risk of coronary heart disease. In addition, the combination of chocolate and low fat milk also affects the level of cholesterol levels in the blood.
This process can occur due to the polyphenol content of cocoa beans that have had an important role to increase the production of molecules of apolipoprotein (Apo) A1. This molecule is a major protein component of HDL.

Chocolate Improve Brain Function Power
Research results indicate enjoy milk chocolate bars will improve brain function.
Chocolate contains many elements that are to be stimulants such as theobromine, phenethylamine, and caffeine  says Bryan Raudenbush from Wheeling Jesuit University in West Virginia.
These compounds have previously been found to be increasing the level of awareness and ability to concentrate. The results showed, by eating chocolate can get the stimulating effects that would lead to increased mental performance. Raudenbush and his colleagues said the effects of the brain's ability to do research on a number of volunteers who consumed chocolate in some species. The study is in four separate incidents that the first group consumed 85 grams of milk chocolate bar, 85 grams of dark chocolate, 85 grams of carob, and the fourth group did not eat anything. After 15 minutes later the volunteers in this study underwent several neuropsychological tests designed to see cognitive performance. Including memory, concentration, reaction time and problem solving skills.

Chocolate also contains theobromine and caffeine. Both substances have been known to give effect to those who consume them awake. Therefore when we are sleepy, eating chocolate is potent enough to make us excited again.

Eating chocolate as healthy by jogging
Dark chocolate is not only good for the heart but also can improve fitness. Researchers in the United States shows, consume a small portion of dark chocolate can improve your health as exercise.
Research conducted at Wayne State University, Detroit, Michigan found that plant-based compounds in chocolate called epicatechin can stimulate muscle growth. Stimulation is the same as when someone makes an intense physical activity, like jogging.


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Saturday, March 24, 2012

West Indian Elm (Guazuma ulmifolia)

Common name: West Indian Elm, bastard cedar, bay cedar, pigeon wood, Jati Belanda
Scientific name: Guazuma ulmifolia
West Indian Elm known as the bastard cedar, is a hard-trunked tree branched, woody stems are round with a rough surface, and greenish brown.
The leaves are oval-shaped green with jagged edges, rough surfaces, the tip rucing, base curved, pinnate alternate bone, and a length of 10-16 cm and 3-6 cm wide.
West India  Elm is found in the Caribbean, Mexico, Central America and Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Paraguay, Argentina, and Brazil. It has been cultivated in India for over 100 years old. 

The plants is used :
Leaves, seeds, fruits, and bark 

Benefits of West Indian Elm

Substance contained in all parts of the plant are tannins and musilago. 
Other content of the resin, flavonoids, carotenoids, phenolic acids, bitter substances, carbohydrates, caffeine, terpenes, as well as other compounds such as sterols, beta-sitosterol, friedelin-3-alpha-acetate, friedelin-3-beta-ol, and carbohydrates alkoloida and fat.
Tannins are plentiful in the leaf, can reduce the absorption of food in a way that no precipitating protein in the mucosal surface of the intestine. Meanwhile, in the form of mucus musilago act as a lubricant. Given musilago, intestinal absorption of food can be reduced. This is the reason indian west elm leaf in use as a drug and slimming stomach shrinkage. During its development, west indian leaf elm is also widely used to treat diseases and rheumatic gout cholesterol.

Besides the leaves, the other parts of west indian elm trees which are medicinal skin, fruit, and seeds. The inside skin is usually used as a medicine to cure worms, swollen legs or feet of an elephant.
The fruit is used as a cure whooping cough. Decoction of the seeds that have been burned like a coffee can be drunk as a cure constipation. However, it remains necessary prudence in the use of leaves and seeds of west indian elm as a treatment.

West indian elm plants  recipes for treatment

Take some indian west elm leaves dry. Pour enough hot water, such as making tea. Strain before drinking. In order not to bland, add one tablespoon of honey or sugar.

indian elm leaf dry milled to become powder. Take 20 grams of this powder and brewed with hot water. Then strain and drink twice a day. If you prefer, can be mixed with honey.
Note: People with kidney problems should avoid this herb.

Take 7
leaves west indian elm fresh then wash. Add a piece of rhizome bangle, ginger, turmeric or white. Boil one-half cup water until remaining one glasses. Once cool, strain and drink. When the mixes should be concurrent with white ginger or turmeric to reduce the effects of gastric irritation. During taking this herb, keep drinking lots of water


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Friday, March 23, 2012

Olive (Olea europaea L.)

(Olea europaea L.)
Is the annual olive trees and green small perennial, the young fruit can be eaten raw or after preserved as a refresher. Old fruit is squeezed and the oil extracted olive oil that can be used for various purposes. Olive is a member of the tribe Oeacae. Zitun herbal plants are found in the region Spain, Italy, Turkey, Greece and Morocco. Olives grow well in areas that have climates similar to the Mediterranean region. This herb is taken the olive fruit is used as olive oil.

Physical Characteristics
  • The tree is a shrub that is always green with a height of 8-15 m.
  • Silvery-green leaves of a length between 4-10 cm, wide 1-3 cm, a single leaf without dealing with the position of the fulcrum leaves.
  • Has white flowers, grows as a shrub, a bell, and the fruit sissy unisexual.
  • Fruit size from 1 to 2.5 cm. the fruit of stone fruit with seeds have endosperm.fulcrum.
  • Has white flowers, grows as a shrub, a bell, and the fruit sissy unisexual.
  • Fruit size from 1 to 2.5 cm. the fruit of stone fruit with seeds have endosperm.

The plant is used
Leaves, oil.


Olive leaf contains oleuropein cholesterol, and Leine. Olive oil contains about 75% oleic acid, mono-unsaturated fats.
Olive leaf has the benefit of reducing blood pressure and also helps in increasing the activity of the circulatory system. Leaves also have diuretic properties are useful in moderate and therefore increase the outflow of urine. In addition, it can also be used to cure conditions such as cystitis or bladder inflammation. Herbalists also recommend the olive leaf for diabetes as it is known to have properties to reduce the intensity of blood sugar in the system. The oil extracted from the olive tree is rich in nutrients and also helps to develop balance in the body fat. Conventionally, many physicians have used doses of one teaspoon of olive oil mixed with fresh lemon juice to cure gallstones or stones and debris in the gall bladder. This oil is also known for its defensive and security of the digestive system. It is also beneficial for dry skin. When applied externally, olive oil is good sticky as a carrier oil for essential oils.

Benefits of Olive Oil
Olive oil is not only useful to maintain skin moisture, but also can improve long-term memory.

Daily Dose: a few tablespoons.

How it works:
Olive oil is the best source of oleic acid, an omega-9 fatty acids through the digestive process is converted to oleoylethanolamide (OEA), a hormone that helps keep brain cells healthy. In a recent study at the University Of California, the rats which were given intake OEA proved better able to recall how to perform two tasks than mice not given this intake. The researchers concluded that OEA increases the ability of the brain is responsible for changing the short-term memories into long term memory.

Presentation tips:
Splash of olive oil into grilled vegetables or salad, or mix it with crushed garlic and a pinch of salt and rub of whole wheat bread. Alternatively, combine olive oil, balsamic vinegar, and water in equal amounts and then add a little lemon juice and use as a sauce for the crispy vegetables such as radish or cucumber.

Other benefit of Olives:
  • Lowers Mortality
  • Reducing Drug Use High Blood Pressure Reducer
  • Prevent and inhibit the emergence of Cancer
  • Reducing the Incidence of Gastric Ulcers
  • Nutritious Olive Oil such as breast milk.
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Tuesday, March 20, 2012

The Health Benefits of Corned Beef and Cabbage

When you think of Irish food, you probably think of heavy, filling meats and potatoes that make up a better diet for your boyfriend than for you. But, surprisingly, many common St. Patrick's Day dishes are highly nutritional, delivering all kinds of vitamins and minerals. So on this day of all things green, celebrate St. Patrick's Day healthfully with these Irish dishes!

Corned Beef.
High in protein, zinc, B-vitamins and thiamin, a 3-oz. serving of corned beef has 210 calories. Like any beef, it's high in fat, so limit your portion and enjoy every bite!

Cabbage. You can't have corned beef without cabbage! Although cabbage may not look as nutritious as say broccoli or Brussels sprouts,  it is, in fact, an excellent source of vitamin C and folic acid, an important vitamin for women. It's also high in fiber, which helps fill you up!

Potatoes. Potatoes sometimes get a bad rap for being high in carbs, but potatoes are a complex carbohydrate perfect for active lassies. Potatoes contain some protein and calcium, along with iron, potassium, zinc and vitamin C. Be sure to eat the skin to get even more health benefits, including fiber!

Guinness. This dark Irish beer has been found -- when consumed in moderation -- to reduce the risk of blood clots that cause heart attacks and improve blood flow and pressure, according to researchers at the University of Wisconsin. Additionally, the type of beer is high in flavonoids, which are antioxidants. We'll toast to that!

A happy and healthy St. Patrick's Day to all!
By Jennipher Walters, www.FitBottomedGirls.com
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Monday, March 19, 2012

Treat Dengue Fever & Diarrhea With Guava Plants (Psidium guajava)

Common names: Psidium guajava (UK, Holland), Jambu Biji (Indonesia)
 Scientific Name: (Psidium guajava, Linn.)
Plant parts used
Fruits and leaf

Guavas are now cultivated and naturalized throughout the tropics and subtropics in Africa, Southeast Asia, the Caribbean, Florida and Hawaii. Guava plants, including shrubs and has many branches and twigs; hard trunk. The outer surface of the guava tree is brown and smooth. If the guava bark is stripped, you will see the surface of wet wood rods. Leaves are usually patterned shape is oval with a rather large size. The flowers are small white and leaves emerge from behind the armpit. This plant thrives in low lying areas to a height of 1200 meters above sea level. At the age of 2-3 years has begun to bear fruit guava. Seeds many, and there in the flesh.

Nutrient Content of Guava (Psidium guajava) per 100 g.

Energy  68 Kcal  3.5%
Carbohydrates 14.3 g  11.5%
Protein 2.55 g 5%
Total Fat 0.95 g 3%
Cholesterol 0 mg 0%
Dietary fiber 5.4 g 14%
Folates 49 mcg 12.5%
Niacin 1.084 mg 7%
Pantothenic Acid 0451 mg 9%
Pyridoxine 0.110 mg  8.5%
Riboflavin 0.040 mg 3%
Thiamin 0.067 mg 5.5%
Vitamin A 624 IU 21%
Vitamin C 228 mg 396%
Vitamin E 0.73 mg of 5%
Vitamin K 2.6 mcg 2%

Sodium 2 mg 0%
Potassium 417 mg 9%

Calcium 18 mg 2%
Copper 0.230 mg 2.5%
Iron 0.26 mg 3%
Magnesium 22 mg 5.5%
0.150 mg Manganese 6.5%
Phosphorus 11 mg 2%
Selenium 0.6 mcg 1%
Zinc 0.23 mg 2%

ß-carotene 374 mcg -
Crypto-xanthin-ß 0 mcg -
Lycopene 5204 mcg -
 (Source: USDA National Nutrient data base)

Benefits of Guava Fruit and Leaves
  • Guava leaves is known as a traditional medicine for coughs and diarrhea. Berkasiat guava juice to help cure patients with dengue hemorrhagic fever.
  • Guava is rich in soluble fiber (5.4 g per 100 g of fruit, about 14% of daily requirement), which makes it a good bulk laxative. The fiber content helps protect the mucous membrane of the intestine by reducing the time exposed to the toxin and bind cancer-causing chemicals in the colon.
  • Lowering cholesterol: The process by binding to cholesterol and bile acids in the body and helps expenditures.
  • Vitamin C is essential for the synthesis of collagen in the body. Collagen is the major structural protein in the body is required to maintain the integrity of blood vessels, skin, organs, and bones.
Recipes for natural remedies:
  • Diabetes Mellitus
     Ingredients: 1 half-ripe guava fruit
     Method: guava fruit cut into four pieces and
     boiled with 1 liter of water until boiling, then filtered to
     take water.
     How to use: drinked 2 times a day, morning and afternoon
  •  Diarrhea
     Ingredients: 5 pieces of guava leaf, a piece of root, bark and stems
     Method: boiled with 1.5 liters of water to boiling and then
     filtered to be taken
     How to use: drinked 2 times daily morning and afternoon.
  • Stomatitis aphte reccurent
     Ingredients: 1 handful of guava leaves, 1 slice of guava bark.
     Way of making: braised together with 2 cups water to boil,
     then filtered to take water.
     How to use: drinked 2 times a day.
  • Cure wounds
      Ingredients: 3 guava leaf.
      Directions: chew until smooth
      How to use: placed on the injured body part in order
      not bleed continuously.

  1. Chen, Kuan-Chou; Hsieh, Chiu-Lan; Peng, Chiung-Chi; Hsieh-Li, Hsiu-Mei; Chiang, Han-Sun; Huang, Kuan-Dar & Peng, Robert Y. (2007): Brain derived metastatic prostate cancer DU-145 cells are effectively inhibited in vitro by guava (Psidium gujava L.) leaf extracts. Nutr. Cancer 58(1): 93–106.
  2. Ojewole, J.A. (2006): Antiinflammatory and analgesic effects of Psidium guajava Linn. (Myrtaceae) leaf aqueous extract in rats and mice. Methods and Findings in Experimental and Clinical Pharmacology 28(7): 441–446.
  3. Jiménez-Escrig, A.; Rincón, M.; Pulido, R. & Saura-Calixto, F. (2001): Guava fruit (Psidium guajava L.) as a new source of antioxidant dietary fiber. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 49(11): 5489–5493.
  4. www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guava
  5. iptek.net.id

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Reducing the Risk of Colon Cancer & Lung Cancer by Eating Cabbage (Brassica oleracea L.)

Common Names : Chou cabus(France), Kool(Holland), Kubis(Indonesia)
Scientific Name :  Brassica oleracea L.
Cabbage contains many vitamins (A, some B, C, and E). Vitamin C content is high enough to prevent scurvy (acute ulcer). , Found in many minerals are potassium, calcium, phosphorus, sodium, and iron. Cabbage also contains a number of compounds that stimulate the formation of glutathione, a substance that is necessary to deactivate the toxic substances in the human body.

Cabbage contains compounds that can stimulate the formation of gas in the stomach causing bloating (goiterogen substances). Cabbage leaves also contain glucosinolates which causes the slightly bitter taste.

Cabbage can be eaten fresh as fresh vegetables and processed. As fresh vegetables, cabbage condiment that usually accompanies the menu features fried or grilled like a chicken or catfish. Cabbage is processed to make scrambled or capcay. Boiled cabbage leaves are tender, thin, and transparent. Boiling can be found in a variety of soups and vegetables. Cabbage in Korea became a major component of the nation's cuisine: kimchi. Germany is famous for its sauerkraut, cabbage is cut into small pieces and preserved in vinegar.

Nutrient Content of Cabbage in 100 g (3.5 oz)
Energy 103 kJ (25 kcal)
Carbohydrate 5.8 g
Sugars 3.2 g
Dietary fiber 2.5 g
0.1 g
Protein 1.28 g
Thiamine (Vit. B1) 0.061 mg (5%)
Riboflavin (Vit. B2) 0.040 mg (3%)
Niacin (Vit. B3) 0.234 mg (2%)
Pantothenic acid (B5) 0.212 mg (4%)
Vitamin B6 0.124 mg (10%)
Folate (Vit. B9) 53 mg (13%)
Vitamin C 36.6 mg (61%)
Calcium 40 mg (4%)
Iron 0.47 mg (4%)
Magnesium 12 mg (3%)
Phosphorus 26 mg (4%)
Potassium 170 mg (4%)
Zinc 0.18 mg (2%)
Sources: USDA Nutrient database

Benefits of Cabbage for Health
A study at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle, USA, which involved human samples of more than 1,000 people revealed that those who diligently eating vegetables may reduce the risk of colon cancer by 35 percent, while those eating cabbage can reduce the cancer risk of 44 percent.

While studies in the Netherlands with more than 100,000 samples are relatively similar results, ie the consumption of vegetables may reduce colon cancer risk 25 percent, the cabbage can reduce the risk to 49 percent. This confirms that the role of the cabbage as a reliable anti-cancer vegetable.

Cabbage can reduce the risk of lung cancer by up to 30 percent in non-smokers. In the group of smokers, better yet, that reduce the risk of lung cancer to 69 percent. A
So, this could be good news for smokers, if it can not stop smoking do not forget to always eat the cabbage as a vegetable in the diet.
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Sunday, March 18, 2012

The God's Crown (Phaleria macrocarpa) As a Natural Treatment


Common Name : The God's Crown, Mahkota Dewa (indonesia)
Scientific Name : Phaleria macrocarpa

The God's Crown (Phaleria macrocarpa) is native trees of Papua and New Guinea, grows well in tropical climates.
The fruit of God's Crown is the most widely used as natural medicines, in addition to leaves and stems. Of the three parts, namely the skin and flesh of the fruit, shells, seeds, which are generally used as well as skin and flesh of the fruit shell.

The fresh, young skin and flesh of the fruit tastes bitter crown of the gods. While the old fruit taste slightly sweet. If eaten fresh will cause swelling in the mouth, thrush, drunk, and even poisoning. What causes it, is not known with certainty. Therefore, it is not advisable to consume fresh.

The God's Crown fruit containing active substances such as:

  • as detoxification which can neutralize toxins in the body.

  • a source of anti-bacterial and anti-virus
  • enhance the immune system
  • enhance the vitality
  • reduces blood sugar levels
  • reduce blood clotting

  • circulation of blood throughout the body and prevent blood clots
  • reduce the cholesterol content and reducing the accumulation of fat in the blood vessel wall
  • reduce levels of risk of coronary heart disease
  • contain anti-inflammatory.
  • as an antioxidant
  • help reduce the pain if there is bleeding or swelling

  • act as anti-histamine.

The God's Crown  fruit recipes as a treatment : 
Diabetes Mellitus
  1. Take 5-6 Phaleria, slice and wash clean.
  2. Boil the ingredients in 5 cups of water, let it stew until the remaining 3 cups water. 
  3. Strain the cooking water, drink 3 times a day (1 cup each)
Cancer and Tumors
  1. Mix 5 grams of flesh The God's Crown fruit dry, with 15 gr Zedoary Turmeric (Curcuma zedoaria), 10 g and 15 g of dried bitter dry chicken scratch, wash all the material. 
  2. Boil all ingredients in 5 cups of water, let it stew until the remaining 3 cups water. 
  3. Strain the cooking water, wait until cool and drink 3 times a day 1 cup each. Herb drink 1 hour before you eat.
  1. Mix 5 grams of flesh The God's Crown fruit dried with 15 g gotu kola, 10 g and 15 g of dried bitter leaf god, wash all the ingredients. 
  2. Boil all ingredients in 5 cups of water, let it stew until the remaining 3 cups water. 
  3. Strain the cooking water, wait until cool and drink 3 times a day 1 cup each.

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Saturday, March 17, 2012

Cancer Treatment with Rodent Tuber (Thyponium flagelliformis)

       Common Name:  Rodent Tuber,  Keladi Tikus (Indonesia), Lioshu Yu (Cina). 
       Scientific name: Thyponium flagelliformis
Rodent Tuber (Typhonium flagelliforme) is a plant that has white tuber, triangular leaves and petals shaped like a long slender white rats. Of its physical form, this plant is known as Rodent Tuber. This plant origin of Brazilian forests, but have now spread to many of the world.
This plant was first researched as a medicinal plant by experts from Malaysia, Prof Dr.Chris KH Teo, Dip Agric (M), BSc Agric (Hons) (M), MS, PhD who is also the founder of Cancer Care Penang, Malaysia. Since 1995 Prof. Chris Teo researching this plant, the results showed a mixture of extracts Typhonium Flageffiforme and other natural ingredients to help detoxify the blood tissues. This herb will get better when administered together with other herbal ingredients, such as bitter, white and pearl grass gathering. This herb contains a ribosome inacting protein (RIP), antioxidants and substances antikurkumin. Combination of the three substances in a mixture of these ingredients produces mediators that stimulate the strengthening of the cells in the immune system to inhibit cancer cells.

Chemical substances contained in Thyponium flagelliformis

Reportedly contains saturated hydrocarbons and aliphatic acids
Ethyl acetate
It is known to contain aromatic fatty acids.
Phenylpropanoid glycosides, sterols, and cerebroside
Anti-hepatotoxic effects, reduce phlegm, anti-asthmatic, anti-inflammatory and analgesic. 

Pharmacological studies conducted in rats also showed that extracts juice Thyponium flagelliformis able to prevent hepatocarcinogenesis (the growth of liver cancer cells). Thyponium flagelliformis helps detoxify the blood system and produces mediators that stimulate a strong immune system to fight cancer cells, such as lung cancer, prostate cancer, breast cancer, liver cancer and blood cancer. For this reason, Thyponium flagelliformis also beneficial to reduce the side effects of chemotherapy and radiotherapy in cancer treatment. The content of active substance and dichloromethane in hexane plant is believed to inhibit the growth of cancer cells significantly, with almost no side effects because it is not cytotoxic to normal cells (non-tumorigenik). Thyponium flagelliformis even high essential amino acid known as arginine, an agent that maintains normal metabolism and growth of cells.

Suggestions of Use
Rodent tuber plants can be consumed in fresh condition (juice).
Usage is 3 times a day @ 50 grams of fresh plants (tubers and leaves)
Preparation of Rodent Tuber juice
Rodent Tuber Juice
Choose fresh rodent tuber crops as much as 50gr (total: consists of roots, leaves, roots). Select the sections that are still good (healthy) and washed thoroughly. Mashed with a stone mortar until completely blended. Avoid the use of tools, especially the easily corroded metal including aluminum.
Give enough water. Squeeze and strain. Rodent tuber juice ready to drink.

Rodent Tuber (Typhonium flagelliforme) should generally be taken for 3-6 months before you can see the effects of treatment. However, in some cases, there were a reported already seeing results in a shorter time. Typhonium flagelliforme can give side effects such as nausea, vomiting and black stools. Although generally it indicates that the effects of therapeutic work, if side effects are too large, you should stop eating for a while.
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Friday, March 16, 2012

Side Effects of MSG (Monosodium Glutamat) for Health

Since the discovery in Japan in 1909 by Ajinomoto Corp., monosodium glutamate (MSG) has grown to become one of the food additives are the most popular around the world. In addition to MSG, there is another flavor that is used by the food industry such as disodium inosinat (IMP) and disodium guanilat (GMP). But MSG is the most preferred one by the grace and effectiveness in strengthening a sense. MSG is used in almost all kinds of vegetables, gravy and side dishes. MSG is also present in many processed foods such as canned meat and frozen processed meat, ketchup, mayonnaise, soy sauce, sausage, snacks, some processed cheese products, instant noodle seasoning, etc.. The use of MSG is sometimes "hidden" behind the food label with a different name. If you see "natural flavoring", "protein hydrolyzate" and "spice" in your food labels, it does not mean there is no MSG in it.

According to Russell Blaylock Unsafe

However, according to Russell Blaylock, author of Excitotoxins - The Taste That Kills, MSG is an excitotoxin that stimulates and chemicals can kill brain cells. Blaylock said that MSG can aggravate degenerative neurological disorders such as Alzheimer's, Parkinson's disease, autism and ADD (attention deficit disorder).
MSG also increases the risk and speed the growth of cancer cells. When glutamate consumption increased, the cancer grows rapidly, and then when glutamate is blocked, it dramatically slows cancer growth. Researchers have done some experiments in which they are using glutamate blockers in combination with conventional treatments, like chemotherapy, and the results are very good. Blocking glutamate significantly enhance the effectiveness of anti-cancer drugs.

Some side effects and the specific disorders associated with MSG according to Blaylock:

an asthma attack
Dry mouth
loss of memory

Reactions to MSG may occur at any time, from start soon after consuming MSG until several days later. Children are more susceptible to adverse effects than adults.

How Should?

We should avoid or limit the use of MSG in our food. Eat food in its most natural. However, our bodies are not designed to absorb and utilize man-made synthetic substances. Our bodies to digest food created artificial nature.

Source : majalah kesehatan.com
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Thursday, March 15, 2012

Blackberry Fruit Facts and Health Benefits

Common Names :  Allegheny Blackberry, American Blackberry, Bly, Bramble, Bramble-Kite, Brambleberry, Brameberry, Brummel
Scientific Name  :  Rubus allegheniensis
Blackberry is a fruit of one of the few species in the genus Rubus of the Rosaceae family.
Cultivation occurs in the state of Oregon is located in the United States. Recorded in 1995 and 2006: 6180 acres (25 km2) to 6900 acres (28 km2) blackberries, producing 42.6 to 41,500,000 pounds, making Oregon the leading blackberry producer in the world.

Forensic evidence from the Iron Age Women Haraldskær consume blackberry 2500 years ago, it can be concluded that blackberries have been eaten by humans for thousands of years.
This plant extract rich in anthrocyanin, flavonoids, and phenolic compounds. Blackberry also has the ability to absorb oxygen radicals (ORAC) against perosokil radicals, superoxide, hydrogen peroxide, hydroxyl radicals, and singlet oxygen.
Blackberry is famous for its high nutrient content of fiber, vitamin C, vitamin K, folic acid - vitamin B, and an essential mineral, manganese.

Nutrient content  in each 100 gram Blackberries

Energy                       43 kcal
Fiber                        5.3 g
Sugars                      4.9 g
Calcium                     29 mg
Magnesium                20 mg
Manganese               0.6 mg
Copper                    0.2 mg
Potassium                162 mg
Sodium                       1 mg
Vitamin C                  21 mg
Vitamin A                 214 IU
Vitamin                     20 mg
Folic Acid                  36 mg
Carotene                 128 mg
Lutein + zeaxanthin
   118 mg

Nutrient content of seeds

Blackberries contain numerous large seeds that are not always preferred by consumers. The seeds contain some oil which is rich in omega-3 (alpha-linolenic acid) and fats (linoleic acid), as well as some protein, dietary fiber, carotenoids, ellagitannins and ellagic acid.

Blackberry Fruit for health benefits:

Strengthen the immune system
The content of vitamin C is enough to make blackberry fruit recommended for human consumption by the world health experts. Ursula Arens, a senior nutritionist from the British claimed that vitamin C is useful for the immune system, heart health and lower blood pressure.

Digestive Health
Beside rich in vitamin C, fruit fiber blackberry also has very high compared to other fruits.
"Fiber is very important for the intestine to function properly and help maintain a healthy weight, as well as improving health by helping to lower cholesterol," said Arens.

Heal wounds
Tannins are compounds found on the Blackberry works to heal wounds. Sarah Wilson, an expert in nutrition from the Princess Grace Hospital, London, reveals that the berries put on the injured skin will tighten the tissues that help constrict blood vessels and reduce bleeding.

Help inhibit cancer cell
C3G chemical compound (or commonly known as flavonoids) found in blackberry fruit in a clinical trial proved to be effective against skin cancer and lung cancer. Not only that, or a group of anthocyanin pigments in plants that have antioxidant properties able to inhibit tumor cell growth.

Protect the eyes
Blackberry fruit useful to protect the eyes from forming rational, which is the area most sensitive to light and is located behind the retina. This can occur because of blackberry fruits contain lutein that help to prevent eye damage caused by ultraviolet radiation.

Enhance cell growth
Blackberry fruit beneficial for healthy cell division and growth. One of the substances which it is required in folate, or commonly known as vitamin B9 or folic acid which have blackberry fruit. Some health experts even advise pregnant women to consume this fruit so the risk of birth defects has narrowed.

Bone formation
One handheld blackberry fruit gives you almost half the recommended daily intake of manganese. It is known that manganese is the best source of minerals. "Manganese helps form the connective tissue of the body, it is important to build strong bone structure," said Wilson.

Blackberry Recipe Ideas

Medicinal herb tea: To 1 ounce of the dried leaves and root bark, add 1 pint of boiling water, and steep 10 min., drink a tea cup at a time. Use to make jellies, jams, cobblers, and in any recipe where you would use raspberries.
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Health Benefits of Dragon Fruit (Hylocereus undatus)

Common Names
Dragon Fruit, Pitaya, Strawberry Pear, Buah naga and Pitahaya
Scientific Name
Hylocereus undatus
Dragon fruits have beneficial properties for human health, such as balancing blood sugar levels, protecting oral health, prevention of colon cancer, reduce cholesterol, prevent and treat bleeding problems of vaginal discharge.

Dragon fruit is mostly consumed as fresh fruit as relieving thirst, because the dragon fruit contains a high water content of about 90% of the weight of the fruit. It was pretty sweet because they contain sugar content reaches 13-18 briks. Dragon fruit can also take the form of juice, juice, jam or preserves in various forms throughout the presentation presented to your taste.

Nutrients content of Dragon Fruits

Nutritional values per 100 g

Sugar                 13-18 briks
Water                     90 %
Carbohydrates     11.5 gr
Acid                  0.139 gr
Protein               0.53 gr
Fiber                  0.71 gr
Calcium            134.5 mg
Phosphorus           8.7 mg
Magnesium          60.4 mg
Vitamin C             9.4  mg

According to AL Leong of Johncola Pitaya Food R & D, an organization that examines the red dragon fruit, honey, cactus fruit is quite rich with a variety of vitamins and mineral substances which greatly helped improve the durability and useful for metabolism in the human body.
"Research shows red dragon fruit is very good for the circulatory system, also gives the effect of reducing emotional stress and neutralize toxic in the blood." Research also shows this fruit can prevent colon cancer, in addition to preventing high cholesterol content in the blood and reduce levels of fat in body, "he said.
Dragon fruit also contains iron to increase the blood, vitamin B1 (to prevent fever), vitamin B2 (add to taste), vitamin B3 (lower cholesterol) and vitamin C (smoothness of skin and prevent acne).  

There are 3 types of dragon fruit:

Pink skin and white flesh

Pink skin and red meat

Yellow skin and white flesh

Health Benefits of Dragon Fruit:
  1. As dragon fruit is a good source of antioxidants, it prevents free radicals and protects from causing cancer and other health detriments from entering your body.
  2. This fruit helps in neutralizing the toxic substances such as heavy metals. Besides, high blood pressure and cholesterol levels can be reduced by consuming dragon fruit.
  3. Regular consumption of this aids in fighting against cough and asthma.
  4. This has high amounts of vitamin C and helps in healing bruises and cuts quickly, and enhancing the immune system.
  5. Vitamin B2 present in dragon fruit acts like a multivitamin and helps to improve and recover the loss of appetite.
  6. Vitamin B1 in this fruit helps in increasing the energy production and also in metabolizing carbohydrates.
  7. Due to the presence of vitamin B3, it helps in lowering bad cholesterol levels. It improves the appearance of your skin by smoothing and moisturizing it.
  8. It improves eyesight and prevents hypertension.
  9. As it is a good source of phosphorus and calcium, it reinforces bones, helps in tissue formation and forms healthy teeth.
  10. Regular consumption of dragon fruit decreases weight, thereby creates a well-balanced body.
  11. Dragon fruit is also helpful in reducing blood sugar levels in people suffering from type 2 diabetes.
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Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Is Effective Lose Weight by Eating African Mango?


Common Name: 
Wild mango, African mango, or Bush Mango

Scientific Name : 
Irvingia gabonensis

The African Mango is a mango-like fruit that comes from the Irvingia Gabonensis tree, a tree native to West Africa. For thousands of years, the local population used it as a staple in their diet as well as for medicinal purposes. The nut of the fruit was ground up and used for cooking, or the paste was taken on long hunting trips to stave off hunger.
Only within the last 20 years has it been recognized by western culture as scientists have discovered the incredible health benefits that the people of west Africa have been taking advantage of for all this time.

Health benefits of African Mango :

Thermo genesis 
African mango extract enhances the fat burning process so much that it helps people lose weight fast.
Scientific results show a staggering 28.1 pounds of weight loss (vs. the 1.5 lbs lost in the placebo group). Also, African Mango users showed body fat decreased by 6.3%.
Stimulant Free   The best African Mango Extract supplements only contain 100% pure African Mango that  is fully exempt of steroids and stimulants. It produces no negative impacts compared to drug-based weight loss products.

Suppression of Appetite 
African Mango is a type of appetite suppressant, which means it makes you feel fuller, and thus, it reduces the amount you want to eat.

After doing extensive research, experts have concluded that mango also reduces the level of cholesterol in the body.

How does an African Mango diet help you lose weight?

1.    Acts As a Fat Burner
As a natural superfood that can aid in weight loss by helping the body burn fat, Irvingia Gabonensis helps target the stubborn fat, rather than helping you lose water weight or muscle mass. Studies have shown that the extract increases fat burning through accelerating the metabolism naturally, and helping the body burn stored fat. So basically, while taking African Mango extract, you will have a much easier time burning fat.
This all-natural ingredient also contains no stimulants, so it is safe for virtually anyone to use, whether you are looking to lose 20 pounds or are just trying to get over a plateau and shed a few pounds.

2.    Suppresses Your Appetite Through Regulating Leptin

Leptin has been identified as a major hormone contributing to obesity. It is the hormone that tells your body it has had enough to eat. Lower leptin levels cause your body to get more cravings, which leads to overeating. This makes it very difficult to lose weight. But when your leptin levels are raised and regulated, you do not feel the cravings to eat as much.
African Mango acts as a leptin regulator, helping your body regulate the amount of leptin it needs to feel full. This is a major benefit because you feel full, so you eat less!

3.   Delays Digestion
African Mango also helps to delay the process of gastric emptying, meaning your food will digest much slower. This process helps you to stay full for longer. When combined with the effects of leptin, this can aid weight loss significantly.
As one dietician put it:
“When you have something that is staying in the gut for a long period of time, you feel fuller for longer. So, there is that potential that somebody might eat less over the course of the day because they’re not as hungry” -UPMC Dietician Leslie Bonci.
4.  High Source of Fiber

African Mango extract is also a very high source of soluble fiber which helps to suppress your appetite. Fiber also acts as a bulk forming laxative, which helps you to get rid of the waste in your body.

Are there any Side Effects?

Because African Mango is a natural fruit extract, side effects are very rare and mild.
In fact, by itself, it is thought to have no side effects at all. In one study where a mixture of Irvingia Gabonensis (African Mango) and Cissus Quadrangularis (Veldt Grape) was tested, very mild side effects such as headaches, excessive gas, and sleep problems were found. These same side effects were also found in the placebo group, who were given only Cissus Quadrangularis, so the side effects probably did not come from African mango.
Most who have reported these side effects mention that effects diminish and eventually disappear as their bodies get used to having the supplement in their systems.
Most people who have taken African Mango supplements say that they are totally side effect free!

Source  : africanmango.org
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