About Me

Our most valuable treasure is health.
This means that health is most important than anything. even if your rich but if ill, your wealth will not be meaningful.
The more advanced world of medicine, modern methods of healing does not mean no harm.
Another natural treatment, the adverse effects produced almost nothing.
With my blog " Healthy Living by Nature" the author tries to provide information about alternative treatment methods are the source of nature.
You are free to disseminate this information to others, because the author aims to encourage healthy living and naturally suggest to go back to nature.
To advise the author please in the comments or send email.
Thank you.

1 comment:

  1. I am a graduate student analyzing the use of various scientific methods used by promoters and practitioners of Natural Cancer Treatments or Cures on the web. I have identified you, your company, your clinic, or your website(s) as one that supports the use of Natural substances to treat and/or cure cancer. This determination was made based on verbiage displayed on a website with your contact information. I would be most grateful if you could address a few simple questions I have concerning your Natural Cancer Treatment and/or Cure. Please respond to the inquiries listed below.

    1. Does your method(s) truly work? How?
    2. Do you have any clinical peer-reviewed studies which support the efficacy of your treatment/cure en vivo?
    3. Do you consider your treatment/cure scientific? Or Non-Scientific?
    4. Are you or any members of your staff trained in formal medicine?
    5. Do you have any documentation showing the success rate of your treatment or cure(s)?
    6. Does your site provide warnings and/or contraindications when undergoing your treatments or recommended treatments?
    7. Does your organization advocate the use of treatments not considered scientific?

    Thank you for your invaluable time. Your responses can remain confidential if you'd like.

    Please email me your responses by March 15, 2013. Please send to: rvfinley@buffalo.edu

    Thank you again for your invaluable time and consideration,

    Reginald V. Finley Sr
