Tuesday, March 20, 2012

The Health Benefits of Corned Beef and Cabbage

When you think of Irish food, you probably think of heavy, filling meats and potatoes that make up a better diet for your boyfriend than for you. But, surprisingly, many common St. Patrick's Day dishes are highly nutritional, delivering all kinds of vitamins and minerals. So on this day of all things green, celebrate St. Patrick's Day healthfully with these Irish dishes!

Corned Beef.
High in protein, zinc, B-vitamins and thiamin, a 3-oz. serving of corned beef has 210 calories. Like any beef, it's high in fat, so limit your portion and enjoy every bite!

Cabbage. You can't have corned beef without cabbage! Although cabbage may not look as nutritious as say broccoli or Brussels sprouts,  it is, in fact, an excellent source of vitamin C and folic acid, an important vitamin for women. It's also high in fiber, which helps fill you up!

Potatoes. Potatoes sometimes get a bad rap for being high in carbs, but potatoes are a complex carbohydrate perfect for active lassies. Potatoes contain some protein and calcium, along with iron, potassium, zinc and vitamin C. Be sure to eat the skin to get even more health benefits, including fiber!

Guinness. This dark Irish beer has been found -- when consumed in moderation -- to reduce the risk of blood clots that cause heart attacks and improve blood flow and pressure, according to researchers at the University of Wisconsin. Additionally, the type of beer is high in flavonoids, which are antioxidants. We'll toast to that!

A happy and healthy St. Patrick's Day to all!
By Jennipher Walters, www.FitBottomedGirls.com

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