Sunday, February 26, 2012

Benefits of Noni

Noni is a plant that commonly grows wild in the woods and in the pages to a height of 1000 m above sea level. The tree height can reach 3-8 m. The leaves are thick and wide, oval-shaped, shiny and it's facing. The flowers are small white cup-shaped. The fruit is yellowish green, spotted-leopard and a lot of seeds but also the other half there are no seeds. If it becomes yellowish and smelled old.
Noni is a fruit full of nutritious food. Nutrients the body needs, such as protein, viamin, and essential minerals, available in sufficient quantities in fruit and noni leaf. Selenium, a mineral found in Noni is a powerful antioxidant. Various types of compounds contained in Noni: xeronine, plant sterois, alizarin, lycine, sosium, caprylic acid, arginine, proxeronine, antra quinines, trace elemens, phenylalanine, magnesium, etc..

Noni Benefits & Gynecology
Noni fruit contains substances: methyl, asetilester of kapron and acid-kapril, morindadiol and soranyidiol. Acetyl methyl ester content is useful to kill germs. Moridon compound was efficacious as a laxative while the compounds are useful for launching soranyidiol discharge of urine. Noni is also efficacious as de-worming.

The other benefits of Noni fruit are:
Improve Endurance Body
Clinical investigations conducted by Dr. Schechter (Institute of Natural Medicine in California) yield important data about the ability of Noni juice, which stimulate the production of T cells in the immune system (T cells play an important role in fighting the disease); strengthen the immune system, especially macrofaset and lymphocytes from white blood cell, showing anti-bacterial effect; have the effect of anti-pain / pain (analgesic); inhibit the growth of precancerous cells / tumor that is the ability to normalize the function of abnormal cells.
Mona Harrison, MD of Boston University School of Medicine and medical director of the DC General Hospiial, USA reported that Noni increases the function of the thyroid gland and the thymus gland, which is believed to act against infections and problems associated with the immune system.

Normalize Blood Pressure
By Neil Solomon, MD.PhD, health problems of American researchers reported that the fruit contains phytonutrients similar, namely scopoletin which serves to widen the blood vessels that are narrowed. This causes the heart does not have to work too hard to pump blood, so blood pressure became normal.
The results of tests on animals showed that scopoletin lowers high blood pressure and normal to low (hypotension, abnormal). However, scopoletin found in Noni fruit can interact synergistically with nutraceuticals (functional foods for the treatment) to regulate high blood pressure became normal, but not lower blood pressure is already normal. Never found a case where the blood pressure down to normal lead to low blood pressure (hypotension).
The experts from Stanford University, University of Hawaii, University of California (UCLA), Union College of London, University of Meets in France who has studied the Noni plant is agreed that contribute to lower blood pressure in most cases.
Simple clinical trial conducted by Scott Gerson, MD (from Mt. Sinai School of Medicine in New York) showed that many users of Noni reported that their blood pressure was high when stopped drinking Noni juice, and return to normal when taking Noni juice is regularly.

Against  Cancer  and Tumor
An interesting papers that were presented at the annual meeting of the American Association fin. Cancer Research to-83 in San Diego, California, in 1992, is the "Anti-tumor activity in Morinda citrifolia Lewis Lung Carcinoma in the mouse injected." In this study, rats were given an injection of Lewis Lung Carcinoma (a type of cancer). All untreated mice died within 9-12 by Noni days due to cancer. Whereas mice treated with Noni to survive 105 percent to 123 percent longer (40 percent of experimental mice live up to 50 days or more). The study was repeated several times and each time Noni proven to significantly prolong the lifespan of mice with cancer compared with rats not treated with Noni. In summary, the results of this study revealed that Noni can inhibit tumor growth.
There are some cases of cancer patients who take Noni juice and to recover, among other cases, his patients. Harrison (DC General Hospital), who suffered from liver cancer and stomach pemhengkakan caused by excess fluid. During the 7 days of taking Noni juice, swelling of the stomach is reduced significantly. Haru stomach fluids testing showed that cancer cells have disappeared.
According to Dr. Judah Folkman of Harvard University, Noni works synergistically with other micronutrients in inhibiting blood flow to the tumor cells. The mechanism is similar to squalen oil (from shark liver) that control brain tumor growth and extend the experimental mice by damaging equipment circulation of the blood supply to the tumor cells.

Eliminate Pain
Noni fruit's ability as an analgesic agent known in the history of traditional medicine, so the plant is called the "painkiller tree" or "headache tree". Scientific research has proven beneficial effects of Noni to manage pain. In 1990, the researchers found a significant relationship between dose of Noni juice extract with analgesic activity mouses trial (generally, the more widely used, the stronger analgesic effect).
Many theories explain how the mechanism of pain relief Noni. One is the theory of Dr. Ralph Heinicke (renowned biochemist from the U.S.) who said that xeronine who play a role in relieving the pain. This is associated with the ability to normalize protein xeronine in which abnormal cells, including cells of brain tissue, the pain from which he came.
Some cases of chronic pain such as headaches constantly, nerve pain in muscles and joint pain cured after taking Noni juice.

Anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic
Compound scopoletin (hydroxy-methoxy-coumarin) is very effective as an anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic. Medical literature reported the successful treatment of arthritis, bursitis, car-pal tunnel syndrome and allergies by using scopoletin.

Bryant Bloss, MD, an orthopedist from Indiana, the U.S. reported the success of Noni juice to cure back pain they experienced as well as 15 people and patients. Meanwhile, the 8 patients reported knee pain (osteoarthritis) almost does not feel taking Noni juice. Three of his patients. Bloss who suffer from asthma are progressing with the reduction in cough. Some patients with arthritis also began to experience real progress after drinking Noni juice. He offers Noni juice as additional food / supplement, and not as a drug to the patient.

The study, published darn journal Pacific Science (vo1.4, in 1950) reported that Noni contains anti-bacterial ingredients that can be used to tackle heart disease to digestive problems. Antraquinon that many compounds found in Noni roots turned out to be against Staphylococcus bacteria infection of the heart and Shigella bacteria that cause dysentery.
Noni is anti bacterial to: Bacillus subtilis, Escherichicr coli, Proteus morganii, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Salmonella montevdleo, schotmuelleri Salmonella, Salmonella typhi, Shigella dysenteriae, Shigella flexnerii, Shigella paraciysenteriae und III BH-Z, Staphylococcus aureus.
Dr. Robert Young, a microbiologist from Utah, USA found a yeast molds and fungi and their toxins it produces can cause the cells sick because the degree of acidity (pH) increases. By consuming Noni juice, the situation can be overcome because Noni helps regulate the body's pH balance, thus increasing the ability of the body absorb vitamins, minerals and protein.

Set the Mood Cycle
One of the capabilities possessed by seopoletin can bind serotonin. According to Dr. Harrison (DC.General Hospital, USA) scopoletin peneal gland can increase the activity present in the brain, which is where serotonin is produced and then used to produce the hormone melatonin. Serotonin is an important substance in the granules of blood (platelets) that line the human digestive tract and brain.
In the brain, serotonin acts as neutrotrcrnsmitter, signal conductor advice and precursors of the hormone melatonin. Serotonin and melatonin helps regulate some of the body such as sleep, body temperature regulation, mood (mood), puberty and egg production cycle, hunger and sexual behavior. Deficiency of serotonin in the body can lead to migraine, dizziness, depression, and even Alzheimer's disease.

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