Sunday, March 4, 2012

Nutrient Content in Honey Bee

Honey contains a variety of nutritional components that are beneficial to human health. Contained nutrients include: carbohydrates, amino acids, minerals, enzymes, vitamins, water, and other organic substances. Honey is mostly sugar and carbohydrates in the form of glucose and fructose, which is clearly different from the sugar in sugar or palm sugar is sugar is mostly sucrose. Sugar in the honey can be directly absorbed by the blood, while sucrose had to go through the process of digestion. Caloric value of honey is 3280 cal / kg, equivalent to 50 chicken eggs calories, 5.7 liters of milk.

Honey is rich in essential minerals (K, Ca, Fe, I, Na, S, Cl, P, Mn, Mg) the body needs to stay healthy, vitamin B complex, fatty acids (except B1), D, E and K as well as various enzymes. Mineral salt content of honey is similar to the mineral salt content in human blood. Element iron can increase the number of blood erythrocytes and increase hemoglobin levels. Acetyl choline metabolism in honey can be launched as improving blood circulation and lowers blood pressure. There are different types of enzymes such as diastase, invertase, catalase, peroxidase, and lipase which helps the digestive process so as to accelerate metabolism. A number of amino acids such as malic acid, tartaric, citric, lactic, also plays a role in metabolism. Honey also contains biogenic stimulant that served to increase freshness. Biose or content of growth regulators to accelerate the growth of roots, shoots, and disposal at the plant, in addition to antibacterial agents, which can help speed the recovery of the injured tissue and prevent infection.

Vitamin B2 and B6 which plays a role in protein metabolism and prevent skin diseases. There is also a B3 (pantothenic acid) and H (biotin) that play a role in the metabolism of fat and protein and inhibits skin diseases like eczema and herpes. Honey contains anti-bacterial and is higrokopis (draws water from the environment), so it can be used as a pack of wounds and injuries caused by an infection that is wet will dry faster. Antibacterial substances contained in honey is hydrogen peroxide, and also the role of flavonoid compounds (especially caffeat acid, ferulic acid).
Nutrient content vitamin C in honey serves as an antioxidant that can prevent wrinkles or premature aging. The darker the color of honey, the greater the content of anti oksidannya (phenolic compounds). Antibacterial substances in honey can cure acne. Hydrogen peroxide is also very effective for cleansing the skin. Peroxide oxidation of metabolic enzymes to peroxide which is a metabolic waste, which can accelerate aging. In addition, a skin nutrient, honey as a natural moisturizer and skin play a role in hair care. This proved, he had used honey on skin and hair care products.
Some organic acids honey (acetic acid, butyric, formic, succinic, glokolat, malate, citrate, pyruvate) gonadotropin hormones are also useful for reproductive fertility, as well as many other important compounds that are useful for our health.

Properties of Honey
Honey varies depending on the type or origin of nectar collected by bees. Of differences in nectar from the flowers will produce color, taste, consistency, smell different, too. Honey color ranges from water white (clear) to dark amber (dark brown-black). As for the taste, the darker the color of honey will produce a stronger flavor. Viscosity of honey is influenced by moisture content, storage temperature, as well as nectar from flowers. The smell will be more sharply with the dark color of honey.
Stored honey is relatively long (at room temperature) will crystallize and produce precipitation, although honey is guaranteed authenticity. Crystallization of honey is due to changes in sugar content due to fermentation and enzyme hydrolysis of sucrose by invertase. As a result glucose levels higher than that of fructose and glucose in the solution crystallized honey. Crystallization can occur in all types of honey, especially honey rubber. The deposition process, which appears yellow precipitate occurs due to differences in the density of honey from the nectar of different sources. This is a natural process, but does not apply to all types of honey.

Advice in the consumption of honey:
  1. Eat honey on an empty stomach and form a solution. Mead will form more easily absorbed by the digestive tract. Dissolve honey in warm water not to hot / boiling.
  2. Consumption of honey is ideal for adults is 3-7 tablespoons per day (100-200gr), whereas for children is half.
  3. Store honey in a sealed container so as not to react with the environment, and absorb moisture in the air because of the nature of honey is hygroscopic (absorbs water easily).
  4. Keep honey in a glass or plastic containers are airtight. Do not store the honey in a metal container. Because the chemical reaction will occur between the container with honey oganik acids that produce toxic compounds.
  5. Avoid honey from the reach of sunlight. Because the anti-bacterial substances in the honey will be damaged, and also iron oxidized in the honey will cause a decrease in benefits and quality of honey.
Simple Recipes using Honey:
  1. Bananas mixed with honey and milk are good foods and healthy baby.
  2. Bananas (type according to taste) crushed, mixed with a glass of coconut water and a little honey and then filtered. Filtered water efficacious for patients with measles and tuberculosis.
  3. A few drops of papaya juice mixed with honey efficacious facilitate breastfeeding.
  4. Papaya mixed with honey and milk are a good tonic for growing children, pregnant and lactating women.
  5. Orange juice plus honey can overcome heart problems.
  6. A glass of water plus lemon juice, a pinch of salt and a tablespoon of honey, efficacious for patients with tuberculosis, asthma, colds and bronchitis.
  7. A glass of cucumber juice mixed with 1 tablespoon honey and 1 tablespoon lime juice beneficial to facilitate urination, overcome toxicity during pregnancy and peeing a little from lack of fluids.

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